Potent Expression Teleclasses – $31 each
These single-session teleclasses introduce you to the Path of Potent Expression: the journey to bring forward your clear, true voice in the form of an effective business that is aligned to you and your gifts in a way that is sane and sustainable.
Call include:
- Potent Expression: Make Your Voice Ring Clear and True
- The Building Blocks of Potent Expression: Creating your Book of Language
- Sane and Sustainable Strategy: Ease and Endurance Bringing Your Potent Expression to the World
- Straightforward Marketing: Replacing Marketing Hype with Expressive Power
- Sufficient Visibility: Using Vulnerable Exposure to Amplify Your Influence
Online Message Review – $100
I’ll review up to three pages of material and tell you what rings true, and what feels muddied, confused, or held back. I’ll feel into the energy behind your words to pinpoint what may be limiting your expression and communication. You’ll receive a written report, a short video summary, and we’ll take 20 minutes on the phone to answer any questions. A great way to feel out what I can offer and if you’d like to do more work together.
Learn more and sign up here.