Heart shape tree in lavender meadow for love symbol

It’s Time for a True Spirit Tune Up!

If it’s been a year or more since we worked on your True Spirit, it could be time for a Tune Up!


Because you are an ever evolving masterpiece, and while the True Spirit, done right, stays good for a long time, it’s good to make sure that it’s still as potent and alive as it can be. Because you are always growing and changing, there may be more than you see and more that you can articulate now that when we first worked on the True Spirit.

Plus, even if your True Spirit is still bang on, this session gives us a chance to check in and see what’s true NOW about how you want to express that True Spirit in the world.

What Happens?

The True Spirit Tune Up is a single session, one-on-one, 45 minutes to an hour, where we take a look at your True Spirit, and the things that ripple out from that True Spirit.

  • First, we will look at your True Spirit together. You’ll tell me some stories that reflect your most potent and alive work in the world right now, and either we’ll agree that your original True Spirit still rocks OR I’ll write up a new draft and then review it with you so it gives you that whole-hearted YES that we want and feels true and alive for where you are today. If your True Spirit needs updating, it will be updated before you leave the call. Yay!
  • So far, I’ve had about 30% radical rewrites, 30% small tweaks, and 30% it still rocks.
  • If we decide your True Spirit is still dialed in as written, we look at how you are LIVING your True Spirit. If you are experiencing enough of that True Spirit in your own life, where you could lean in more.
  • And before we end, we’ll talk about what’s next for you. What you want to do in the world, and what new and improved language you might need to take that work out in the world and make a plan for you to get that together.
  • If appropriate, we can discuss doing more work together to get that language together.

How Much?

The True Spirit Tune Up is $400.

How Often?

I recommend you consider having a True Spirit Tune Up every year.

It could be fun to do in November, or December, or January or February, but really any time of year you are ready to look at the big picture of your work would work.
