Closeup image of woman’s hands in gardening gloves planting tomato
Join me on Friday, March 18, from 12 to 4:30pm ET
Take time to reflect on your journey so far and where to point going forward!
Want to sign up NOW? Scroll down to the bottom of the page.
You — a Business Owner with Depth and Soul
Who wants to continuously improve how you move forward and how you shape your life and work so you get to be the person you came here to be.
The Power of Thoughtful Review
In our busy lives, we don’t stop often enough to assess and take stock of what we’re doing, what’s working, and what needs to change.
That’s what this day is about!
Over four hours, you’ll digest your experience so far this year and answer good, deep questions that help put you on a more energizing and empowering path moving forward.
The goal is to help you access MORE of your power, MORE of your own wisdom, and help you feel more joyfully, fully alive and engaged in your business, in the business only you can create.
How the Trueing Tune Up: First Quarter Review works
During our half-day together, you will do some of the following:
- Reconnect to what ACTUALLY has happened so far this quarter
- Digest and Make Meaning of the Journey So Far
- Reawaken Desire for More
- Ask Good Trueing Questions to Put You More Firmly on Your Path for the Second Quarter
We’ll meet at the top of each hour, and the end of the last hour, on Zoom to connect and share.
In between, you’ll have time to answer some good, deep questions, feeling supported knowing there are lots of kindred souls writing alongside of you.
You’ll have a workbook to guide you through the process. If you need to show up late or leave early, that’s ok. You can use the workbook to catch up or work on your own.
The event will be recorded and recordings will be posted within the week. You will have access to the workbook and the recordings for some time after the event.
But I gotta say, there is magic in being there live for as much of the day as you can.
The Monies – What Makes Good Sense for You
You choose what you pay for the Trueing Tune Up: First Quarter Review.
I love leading this event, and it does require a good amount of my time and presence and admin support to make it happen. I’d love for our exchange in this to be balanced.
First, decide if this is an experience you want to have. If so, then come on board!
Then, take a moment to feel into what’s right to give in exchange for this experience. Don’t worry about getting it perfect. I will circulate an email after the event in case you decide that you’d like to contribute more.
- The suggested payment for the Trueing Tune Up is $180. This is the price that makes offering this sustainable for me. Contributions above $180 help subsidize those who contribute less.
- The requested minimum payment is $90. This helps to cover my admin costs and some of my time for the event. If contributing at this level would prevent you from joining us, you may pay less.
- The following people are invited to participate for free:
- 2021 Nine-month Trueing Adventure clients
- 2022 ongoing or messaging private clients
I look forward to having you on board!