I get it, not everyone wants to know their bigger, deeper message.
Some business owners just want to know what to say to get more clients. And there’s lots of people who can teach you how to do that.
The problem is, you may end up getting clients but feeling like you don’t like the work so much.
More often, those “sure-fire” techniques end up not working so well for you for some reason.
If you want to do your authentic work in the world, it starts with knowing this. Knowing what it is you want people to feel and experience as a result of your work. Being able to write it and say it somewhere without compromise so it becomes real to you.
Being able to name it in a single sentence, so it’s a few key themes, not five or ten or twenty ideas.
From there, it’s not so hard to figure out how to express the heart of what you do so you connect with the ones who’ve been yearning for what you offer.
It’s not so hard to translate that into benefit-rich language or name your audience or describe the compelling circumstances that would move someone to work with you. (You didn’t think you were going to skip that part, did you?)
It’s just hard to do all those things if you are still struggling to name what it is you truly have to offer.
As I mentioned in the last post, what makes the True Spirit work different from most branding and message work, what makes it stick, is that it draws not on what you’re doing now, but on everything you’ve been doing up until and including now.
It grounds your expression of what you are here to do in the real life stories you’ve lived. It goes deep into the intangible, into stuff which is hard to fit into typical business speak, so mostly doesn’t get mentioned, but which needs to be named if your work is going to have any real power.
If you’re wondering what that actually sounds like, listen in as I take Marta through the process of naming the True Spirit of her Work.
It’s an excerpt of our first call together (she went on to do both Levels I and II of my full Message Development Process.) It’s about 30 minutes out of a 45-minute session of the kind of deep level conversation that allows this work to be so powerful and produce out-of-the-ordinary results.
On the audio, you’ll hear Marta describe:
• Her initial take on what she’s here to do
• A story about her first job as a teacher
• A story about writing a play about the different voices of a woman
• A story about working as a therapist with a deeply traumatized client
And then me pulling the themes and threads into a first draft of her True Spirit statement, which went like this:
The True Spirit of my Work is to invite fierce women with the courage to be afraid
To experience the dangerous excitement of actually being alive
That comes from stripping themselves to their own vulnerability
Opening to the darkness and wildness at the core of their being
And accepting the invitation to express without knowing the outcome.
It’s a great example of the kind of work I can do with clients who are passionate, who have lots to say, but who are struggling to find the clarity they need to communicate with more power. It showcases how I pull different themes and threads together in unexpected ways that you might not think of doing for yourself.
Here’s what Marta had to say about going through the full Message Development process:
For years I struggled to language the mission and purpose of my work. I worked with dozens of business coaches and was not able to find the way to brand and focus in on my niche.
Isabel Parlett is magical, inspirational and embodies a talent and gift for language that helped me to fine tune, enhance and electrify the exact core of my work in helping women find their creative and spiritual voice.
She listens deeply and weaves your words into the core of your soul’s mission and vision. Since I have worked with her I am able to easily find the language in my life’s work with confidence and excitement.
I have managed to attract the right clients, build new business and create new visions. I no longer stumble with my elevator speech, writing web text or workshop flyers…I have even now created an exact program that outlines the unique process I take women through…
She is indeed a shaman and an authentically caring individual who will help you make your dreams come to fruition. I am more alive than ever working with Isabel’s guidance and insight.
Thank you Isabel for changing my life’s work into gold…
Marta J. Luzim