Thank You!
Our Potent Expression Call, “The Building Blocks of Potent Expression: Creating Your Book of Language” happened on Wednesday, May 30.
Use this link to access the Google Drive, where you’ll find the Potent Expression call recordings (both audio and video), the handout and the chat log.
My recommendation is that you DOWNLOAD the Audio recording, the Handout and the Chat Log. You can download the video as well, but it’s a fairly large file, so you might want to stream it instead.
Then, when you are ready, I recommend that you watch the Video Recording because I include slides and visuals, plus you get to see my smiling face!
Reading the Chat Log is not critical, and it’s a bit of an ugly file, and I mostly read the comments out loud, but if you want to see it, it’s there.
I hope you enjoy the recording, and I’d love to hear your questions and comments.