I’ve been in the coaching world for a long time. I did my first weekend coaching training in the fall of 1993, and started my full training and working with clients in 1994. (I also led the team that wrote … Read More
Why putting together a new web site can be agony or ecstasy
I have a confession to make. For a long time, I’ve been somewhat skeptical when people tell me their big marketing focus in putting up a new web site. I’m like that because as a coach, I see the challenges. … Read More
Why I no longer “sell” my services
The truth is I can be persuasive. I’ve been given the gift of gab, the power of words, and I can spin and weave language in a way that is intoxicating, in a way that calls people to me. I … Read More
Why it’s more important to OWN your message than polish it
On the surface, when I take clients through message development, we are doing practical things. Somewhere along the line, we work on an elevator speech, or web copy, or sound bites. But underneath the practical work, we are cultivating something … Read More
Why is writing for your business so hard?
Clients often come to me pulling their hair out, going in circles trying to put words together to represent who they are and what they do. To put together their home page, or their services page. To write an email … Read More